2012 Winding Down, PLABA Elections Set & Other Off Season PLABA News…

By PLB Admin

Last Game 2012. Victoria Advances to MBA Class B Capturing Championship after advancing from Super Sections hosting by Shakopee & Prior Lake.

HOTSTOVE LIT, News & Notes for PLABA…

The PLABA winds down after hosting an estimated 100+ games including PL High School Lakers & JV, Laker Legion Gold & Blue, Boone Iowa VS Prior Lake 15 Year Olds Series, PLAY PL MBT Invitational, MBT 15AAA State Championships, Prior Lake Jays & Mudcats MBA Townball and over 35 Prior Lake Mariners. The Vet also hosted its final games of 2012 supporting Shakopee hosting game in MBA Class B Super Section Final 16 Tournament action. Thank You to fans and sponsors and City Of Prior Lake Parks Department for continued support or Prior Lake baseball.

PLABA 2013 Executive Board Elections Set 10/25

The Prior Lake Amateur Baseball Association will hold it annual elections on Thursday October 25, 2012 at 6:00PM in the meeting room of New Market Bank Prior Lake Branch. All positions will be up for election on the 9 person board that presides over the operation of Veterans Field of Memorial Park in Prior Lake, coordinating concessions as well as field improvements and upkeep. For additional information on the PLABA, contact 2012 President Mark Schroeder at 612-220-6812.

Goodnight Sandman, Mudcat 24 goes to Schleip.

Gone but not forgotten. PL Mudcat #24 Justin Schliep hanging up the spikes...

Longtime PL Mudcats 1B/DH/RF/P Justin Schliep has called it quits after spending the past 14 years with the PL Mudcats after 2 seasons with the PL Jays after a standout career for the PL Lakers that culminated in pitching the the Lions All Star Series. Fans missing big #24 can check out his Jays and Mudcats jerseys hung from the rafters of the Savage Buffalo Wild Wings location. Rumors flying about other potential retirees, stay tuned…

“Goose” Makes Room in Nest For ‘Bella.

Former PL Laker, Mudcat and multiple PL Jays All Star representative 1B Scott Geisler welcomed Isabella Grace Geisler Tuesday 10/9 weighing in at 7Lbs 9Oz and 20 inches tall. Mom Tara & brother Brady are doing great. Geisler is also a long time elementary teacher in Prior Lake & Coach for Prior Lake Lakers, currently assisting PL Varsity. Congrats to the Geislers!

Misc Hotstove…

Location TBD for Hotsove Hardball Beer Blast ’13. Uncertain future for former Mudcat Steve Higgens and the Basement Bar & Grille following abrupt shutdown this Fall.

Teams Seeking Games in 2013 for the PL Jays, Mudcats or LakerLegion are welcome to send email soliciting interest and availability at info@ and the email will forward to team leadership.

Jays & Mudcats players stay tuned to emails & hotline for possible off season fundraiser blast Sat after Thanksgiving as well Fall Field Day in the next couple weeks to tune and close the Vet for off season.