PLABA Hosting Board Elections 10/26
The Prior Lake Amateur Baseball Association (PLABA) will be holding a planning meeting and 2016 executive board elections. The meeting will take place Monday October 26th at 7:00pm in Prior Lake High School Lecture Hall. (Enter the High School in the upper NW parking lot). The PLABA presides over the operation of Veterans Field of Memorial Park. Attendees may RSVP info@ or contact 2015 President Mark Schroeder at 612-220-6812. All are welcome.
PLABA Fall Field Day 2015
PLABA member team representatives (users) will be meeting 10:00AM Sat October 24 to complete field closing tasks and some minor projects to prepare the diamond for off season at Veterans Field of Memorial Park. 2 hours is anticipated and all are welcome to assist. Attendees please RSVP info@ or contact 2015 President Mark Schroeder at 612-220-6812.