Nick Hanson has advised that he is “getting ready for a healthy season this year” pitching in Minor Leagues. Hanson, the 2016 Minnesota Gatorade HS Player of the Year, has battled injuries as well had arm surgery since being drafted by the Cincinnati Reds. He has signed for 2020 with the Reds having played through his initial contract.
Nick Hanson PL’16-MLB Draft Cincinnati Reds 2016 3rd Round
Former PL Post 447 American Legion Coach and Burnsville HS standout Josh Threlkeld has guided Century College to its 1st win in his tenure as Head Coach in 2020 season opening action. Threlkeld is assisted by former PLHS Laker Head Coach Greg Nesbitt and PL Jay (& former PL Mudcat) Bret Mitchell. Good Luck to Century CC this Spring! (Click RED/Name to link)
Below includes links for players with local connections participating on college teams for Spring 2020. Click on name to link to college/player website:
Lawson Zenner-PL ’16, PL Jays-Wayne State
Jimmy Larson–PL ’16, PL Jays-MSU Mankato
Ben Koopman-PL’16, PL Jays-Robert Morris Chicago
John McCaustlin – PL ’17, Dundas Dukes, DCTC
Ryan McDonald – PL ’18, PL Jays, South Dakota
Corbin Cross– PL ’18, PL Mudcats, Iowa Central, Concordia U – Texas
Derek Kay-PL ’18, PL Mudcats, Iowa Central CC
Mitch Goodwin – PL ’18, PL Jays, SE Nebraska CC, DCTC
Zach Matthews – Burnsville ’18, PL Jays, UM Duluth
AJ Lattery – PL ’19, PL Jays, Oregon State
Alex Wattermann – PL ’19, PL Mudcats, UM Duluth
Russ Tanner – PL ’19, PL Jays, UM Duluth
Sam Tanner – PL ’19, PL Jays, UM Duluth
The Prior Lake Lakers (PLHS-MSHSL/South Suburban Conference) commence their 2020 season April 6, 2020 with Varsity on the road vs Shakopee in SSC action and JV hosting the Sabres JV at Veterans Field PL.
PL Lakers Baseball (2 links): SSC PL Schedule Link , Laker Baseball Homepage
Check back for updates on PLABA teams and items of local interest!