Jays & Mudcats Hit The Road for PLABA Doubleheader

By PLB Admin

The MBA Class B Prior Lake Jays (1-0, 1-0 CCL) of the Carver Central League and Class C Mudcats (2-3, 2-1 DRS) of the Dakota Rice Scott League with be hitting the open road on Saturday May 14 for PLABA doubleheader action at Austins historic Marcussen Park. 

The Mudcats will square against the Class B Austin A's at 5:00PM and will be followed by the Jays against the Class B Austin Greyhounds at 7:30PM in non-league exhibition action. 

For additional information & directions fans can check: www.marcusenpark.com,  It is about 1.5 to 1.75 hours to reach the park from Prior Lake. The PL Hardball Hotline 952-985-3800 will also have park info. 

Bring your own brew, ballpark food & cold drinks will be available.  The teams will have a similar DH in New Ulm later in the season.  Get your Red, White, Blue & Black & support your PLABA teams on the road!