LAST CHANCE! Jays to play Final Home Game of 2009 Sunday 8/16

By PLB Admin

The Prior Lake Jays, following their thrilling 13 inning 2-1 win Tuesday, will host the winner of the Chaska Cubs at Shakopee Indians Friday game to determine #1 Seed for Section 3B for MBA State Tournament 2009. 

The Jays have already qualified by defeating Victoria & Chaska in Final 4 action.  Shakopee took out the Vics 4-3 in 11 on Wednesday and again face an elimination game with the powerful Chaska Cubs who were runners up to the PL Jays for the 2009 River Valley League Championship.  In addition to determining drafting position for 3 pitchers or catchers from defeated section teams the winner Sunday in Prior Lake will face #2 Seed from Section 8 at 6:00PM Friday August 21 in Arlington while the loser will face the #1 Seed from Section8 in Arlington at 8:30PM.  The Integra PL hardball Hotline 952-226-3800 will have the latest on gametime at the State Tourney.

Don't miss “CornFeast 2” with fresh sweet corn by Cal, Concession Specials and prize drawings.  Additionally the Jays will be donating part of the proceeds from Sundays concession to the Susan Komen Foundation in support of cancer research.

Fans Bus signup to travel to Arlington to support the Jays will be at Sundays game or fans may contact Director Cindy Hoppe 612-310-1803 to reserve a spot.  Details should be formalized on cost and departure time/location by Sunday.