PL Jays to Take Flight for 30th Season This Sunday

By PLB Admin

The Prior Lake Jays will open their 2016 season on the road in River Valley League action at Jordan’s “Mini Met” Sunday, May 15 with a scheduled 1st pitch at 6:00 PM.

2016 will be the 30th season of Prior Lake Jays baseball and also turns the page on leadership as PLABA President Mark Schroeder steps aside for Scott Geisler to take on managing duties. Schroeder will continue supporting Jays operations and has a long history dating back to the 1970’s as a member of the original “Green Jays”, and has served as PLABA President as well served previously as PLAY Baseball Director, and been the Jays skipper from 2011-2015. Geisler, a Prior Lake graduate and member of the Winona State Warriors following his high school career, has coached at PLHS since 2002 and in his 9th season as assistant varsity coach. He has played 21 seasons of townball including a season with the Webster Sox of the DRS League, and five seasons with the Prior Lake Mudcats before moving to the Jays roster in 2003 and will continue playing as needed.

The opener at the Jordan Brewers fabled “Mini Met” with be broadcast at 6:00 PM on 1350AM KCHK in New Prague. KCHK will also have coverage for when the Jays meet the Shakopee Indians on June 24, and the DRS vs. RVL All Star game live from Prior Lake on July 7.

Season passes for admission; the VETPass16, will be available at the Jays home opener vs. St Louis Park on May 22 for just $15, and include regular season game admission for BOTH the Jays and PL Mudcats. In addition, these include a monthly complimentary item from the Vet Café full service concession for May, June & July and game specials to help the Jays celebrate 30 seasons of MBA Townball since their return in 1987.

The 2015 PL Jays finished with a 12-19 overall record and 0-2 in Section 3B playoffs but captured the “Bud Bonus Trophy” at the 2015 Elko New Market Budweiser Classic tournament. The 2016 Season marks a change in the Section 3B structure with Mankato folding after one season. The five teams of Section 3B (Chaska Cubs, Chanhassen Redbirds, Shakopee Indians, Victoria Vics) will square thrice in the regular season to seed for a best of three between the 4 & 5 seeds followed by a best of five squaring the remaining four teams with two teams advancing to the MBA State Tournament starting Saturday August 20th at Dassel/Hutchinson and Litchfield.