The Prior Lake Jays have added pre-Tournament action for local fans at the Vet for the final game of the 2011 Prior Lake Jays home season. The Jays will be hosting the MBA Class “A” St Louis Park Townballers at 700PM on Sunday August 8th. Park is also between playoff rounds sweeping their 1st round series vs. the Hopkins Berries 2-0 in a best of 3. St Louis Park is perenially atop the Class “A” standings for much of the past decade and former PLABA Hardball Invitational Tournament Champion. The game will be proceeded by the PL Marniners over 35 team hosting St Louis Park 35ers at 500PM. The game will also feature Caseys Cornfeast which will offer fans the opportunity to sample some of the local areas finest sweet corn in a day to celebrate the 2011 PL Jays home hardball season. The Vet Cafe’ will also be running concession specials for PLABA passholders as well special prize drawings.
MBA Class “B” Super Section Details
The Jays have qualified for MBA Class B SuperSection playoffs as Section 4B Runner Up (Savage Champion) and at this time are slated to face the Elko Express of the DRS League and Section 5B Champion (Burnsville Runner Up). Elko will be home team if the B Super Section Seeding Board is able to slot teams by the seeding setup as the new playoff system for 2011 currently reads. What could affect the ultimate matchups and locations is host sites qualifying for B Super Section Playoffs (Chaska, Cold Spring, Dundas and Miesville). UPDATED COMPLETE INFORMATION should be available on the or the Integra Prior Lake Hardball Hotline at 952-226-3800 by noon Monday 8/8.