The PL Jays & PL Mudcats Baseball Clubs will be having a joint meeting to discuss the 2006 Season. The Meeting will take place on Saturday February 11, 2006 at Noon at PL VFW 6208.
Preliminary schedules, preseason fundraising and PLABA Updates will be presented as well as the ticket handout for the '06 Hotstove Blast party/fundraiser. Returning players not able to attend or not playing in 2006 should contact their team management immediately. New Players interesting in playing in 2006 are encouraged to attend.
The Over 35 will have a meeting in February that has not yet been determined but will post in the 2/11 PL American & Savage Pacer. PLABA Board will be having their Spring Meeting at 9:00AM on 2/11 and any interested parties are encouraged to attend. The location is TBD but will be posted on the Prior Lake Hardball Hotline 952-226-3800.
Additional information on the upcoming season is available at or by calling PLABA Vice President Tex Chapman at 952-447-5677.