The Prior Lake Amateur Baseball Association will be hosting 8 teams on June 11-13, 2004 in the Captain Jack's PL Hardball Invitational Tournament. The Prior Lake Jays(B), Prior Lake Mudcats(C), Austin A's(B), Austin Greyhounds(B), St Louis Park Blacksox(A), Hopkins Hort Hurricanes(A), Blaine
Fusion(B) and Fairmont Martins(C) compose the field for the premier mixed class Minnesota Baseball Association Tournament in Minnesota (MBA class noted, for more info see
In addition to the tournament games at beautiful Veterans Field in Prior Lake, fans and players can enjoy the Hoppe Bats Homerun Derby on Sunday between the Consolation and Championship games which will feature participants from the teams in the Tournament. Additional information and complete brackets with game times at the PLABA web site:
Admission cost is $8 for the full weekend or dependant upon game time(s). Tournament updates for fans with updated gametimes will be available via the PL Hardball Hotline at 952-985-3800.