Prior Lake Laker Legion Fall Baseball Camp

By PLB Admin

Prior Lake American Legion/Jr. Legion Baseball Program coaching staff along with Kirk Loehr and some of the current players will be conducting a fall baseball camp. The camp is available to players that will be playing as 14, 15, and 16 year old’s next season as well as those who wish to play next season in grades 9 – 12. It will run from Sept 5th through the 30th. The camp will be conducting skills and drills each Tuesday and Thursday night and Sunday morning followed by intersquad instructional scrimmages on Sunday mornings with teams made up from a mix of all ages. In addition Tuesday night will have 2 sessions with the second session serving as a pitching clinic.

Cost of the camp is $50.00 with all campers receiving a t-shirt and final skills evaluation and recommendations. All proceeds are going towards the Legion/Jr.Legion program. You can find out more info by e-mailing Laker Legion Baseball head coach Bill Reed at or by calling 952-292-3623. Registration will be held at Memorial field on Saturday August 25th from noon to 2:00 limited space is available so please call or e-mail ahead to reserve a spot.