Townball Day 2012 Poster (CLICK ME)
The MBA Class B Prior Lake Jays (est 1987) of the River Valley League will be hosting the Class C Prior Lake Mudcats (est 1991) of the Dakota Rice Scott League in a non league exhibition 7 inning game followed by homerun derby on Saturday July 7th with pregame ceremonies and full team introductions starting at 545 with a game 1st pitch at 600PM. In addition to the standard fare at the full service concession, there will be a pig roast hosted by Big Mike Bohnsack as well as Root Beer Floats on special at the Vet Café . Homerun Derby will commence at the conclusion of the game and there will be music and prize drawings all night long by Dick “Voiceman” Carlson. Alumni and former Boardmembers are encouraged to contact info@ and get out support Prior Lakes celebration of “Townteam” baseball. For additional information fans can call the Integra PL Hardball Hotline at 952-226-3800 or check the teams on the web at, your sources for your local 9’s.
Special $1 Adult Admission, Students and Seniors FREE! Fans encouraged to arrive early to get a good parking spot and seat.