PLABA VP Joseph Chapman is helping coordinate a fun golf outing at Red Wing Country Club 9/17 with check in by 1230 and tee off at 1PM. The event is open to anyone and you may call him with any questions as noted on the the flyer.
Due to Course Scheduling error the DATE HAS CHANGED for the Golf Tourney. It sounds like a few that could not make it now will so perhaps its for the best.
Please forward to anyone that may be able to participate or have prize donations. Revised postcards were sent to those in the first mailing and I hope to send a few additional postcards to help get the word out.
Please try to confirm your participation as well as a count of teams by Friday 9/9 if possible. We can accomodate late additions if you cannot confirm participants until next week. Due what you can, we can assemble teams that do not have full foursomes.