Veterans Field of Memorial Park was subject to rain on Field Day 2017 10/21 and PLABA members re-scheduled an amended day Sunday 10/29 to help prepare the diamond for offseason and 2018. Closing of concession, field improvement projects and leaf collection have been standard in field closing but with Winter looming a short list of “must do” items was completed with representative volunteers from the State Champion Bald Eagles (50 and over) as well PL Jays (MBA Townball) and PL Mariners (35 and over) stowed windscreens to allow quick startup when Laker baseball commences in 2018. The Metrodome fan seating as well new pub tables were also stowed to shield them from the elements and extend their life. Special Thanks to: Jerry Peer, Dave Vornwald, Scott McNally, Corey McNally (Bald Eagles), Tex Chapman, Scott Geisler (PL Jays) and Billy Gabler, Matt Moriarity (PL Mariners).
As part of its turf management program, the Vet received an additional Fall weed and feed and the Legends Golf Club has donated some excess material to spray a Winter coating on the infield as it did supporting Vet operations in Fall 2016 helping it come back stronger in Spring 2018. The City of Prior Lake aerated the entire diamond with PLABA Field Crew Leaders Blade Schoenrock and Tex Chapman aerating the interior diamond and foul areas. The City of PL also leveled the poles in left field and along 3rd base side of field cutting excess and were to cap to have fencing flush across top of in play areas and PLABA over seeded the interior diamond as well thin areas in foul territory. Special Thanks: Scott Thayer-Legends GC, Greg Skuczacek & his Team-City of PL Parks Maintenance , Chuck Schoenrock-Mower & Cart Maintenance
The PLABA, which started with PL Jays townteam in 1987, supports and coordinates with the City of Prior Lake the maintenance, upkeep, operation and improvement of Veterans Field of Memorial Park in Prior Lake and led numerous projects to improve it as a place to play and watch baseball. Its hosts 140+ games annually from PLHS Laker JV & Varsity in the Spring as well Summer American Legion, Jays, Mudcats, Mariners, Pacers and Bald Eagles games as well other teams from PLAY and hosts several Tournaments annually. Its duties include cutting, standard field maintenance and concessions operations. Past projects have included: fan patio, turfed cages, scoreboard (& replacement), concession and field equipment, public address booth improvements, Metrodome fan area seating and others. Help is always welcomed and you may join the 2018 field crew by emailing Brad “The Blade” Schoenrock at: plaba8791@gmail.com
PLABA member teams will assist the PL Lakers next Spring in preparation for the 2018 Season with tasks not completed this Fall and some projects, planning & a few remaining tasks will continue as Winter approaches and into the off season. Check back for continued updates and announcments. Thanks fans for your support and see you in 2018!