2016 Prior Lake summer baseball rosters announced

Tryouts for the Prior Lake Legion baseball program were held this past Sunday. Below are the 2016 Prior Lake Summer Baseball Rosters.


Ben Koopman
Cody Kashmark
Corbin Cross
Derrick Dolan
Jared Benson
Jared Tucker
Jason Peter
John McCaustlin
Lucas Pumper
Matt Cady
Michael Rademacher
Mitchell Goodwin
Ryan McDonald
Sam Schlachter

Legion 2

Chris Johnson
Cooper Youngs
Grant Gosechel
Jack Olson
Jackson Kesle
Jordan Olson
Keith Berrier-Lemna
Riley Wolter
Morgan Blade
Paul O’ Connor
Ryan Stone
Travis Hauge
Zachary Johnson
Cameron Bunkers
Carter Niklason

Jr. Legion

Alex Bodine
Ben Weinrich
Derek Kay
Jake Beer
Kevin Luth
Matt Bornholdt
Matt Schmidt
Michael Walerius
Parker Hafermann
Sam Bangasser
Simen Restad
Tyler Hopkins
William Schult
Zach Wick

You can also download this roster list in PDF format: 2016 Prior Lake Summer Baseball Rosters.