Greetings baseball fans! Below hotstove and updates for Prior Lake Baseball upcoming seasons. Please continue to check back for additional updates and articles of interest as well follow the Prior Lake American for news on your favorite local 9’s. You can also follow the Jays and Mudcats at their Facebook pages and the Integra PL Hardball Hotline has the latest at 952-226-3800!
PL Baseball Hot Stove Set for April 14
The Prior Lake Mudcats, Jays and over 35 Mariners host the annual Hardball Hotstove Blast 2012 at the Basement Bar & Grill on Saturday April 14, 2012 from 5-8PM. There will be music, prizes and fun in store for fans in support of local baseball at the Summer teams annual kickoff to the season. Tickets are $5 in advance available from team players now or $8 at the door with purchasers eligible for cash prizes and a grand prize of a hot-air balloon ride which supporters need not be present to win. The band Playback will cap the evening at the conclusion of the Blast. For the latest information on the PLABA and its teams fans are encouraged to call the Integra PL Hardball Hotline at 952-226-3800 or check out your favorite 9 on line at
New Scoreboard at Veterans Field for 2012 Season.
The PLABA, in conjunction with ISD 719 Laker Athletic Booster Club/Laker Baseball and the City of Prior Lake will be installing a replacement scoreboard this Spring early in the PL Lakers 2012 season. The new board will have the same function as the current board but move to a friendlier location for fans in right center field to provide better views in the first base dugout and fan patio. The new Daktronics BA-2026 will feature LED lighting for better long term visibility and feature an arched “Welcome to Prior Lake” arched over the main scoreboard body and be classic “baseball green” with yellow trim to match the outfield fencing/fencecap. The entities will attempt to sell the existing Daktronics scoreboard. Teams or associations are welcome to express interest in the existing unit by emailing info@

PL Jays Golf Tourney Fundraiser May 5.
The Prior Lake Jays will be hosting their 2nd Annual PL Jays Invitational Golf Tournament at Creeks Bend Golf Course on Saturday May 5 with Noon shotgun start. All are invited to support Jays baseball. The $80 fee includes round of golf, cart and complimentary post golf social event from 5-7PM and eligibility for special prize drawings. There will also be a live auction starting at 5PM. Special Thanks to Metro Athletic Supply for their support. For additional information, registration or questions, please call Golfmeister Corey Goblirsch at 612-616-0605 or email or info@ Jays 2012 Golf Flyer (Click to open Flyer)