Lakers To Host Annual Tourney At The Vet

Veterans Field once again will have the scent of fresh popcorn & tasty wieners wafting through the air when the PL Lakers of the Missota Conference host 3 teams in a round robin format on Friday 4/15 & Saturday 4/16.  PLABA has supported the Prior Lake Baseball Tournament since its inception.  PLABA has cleaned and stocked the concession for a great weekend of MSHSL baseball to benefit PL Baseball Boosters who will be staffing the event.  Don't miss some great high school baseball action at the Vet this weekend!


Friday, April 16              4:30 St. Paul Academy vs. Maranatha

                                     7:00 Prior Lake vs. Mpls. Southwest

Saturday, April 17         9:00 Prior Lake vs. Maranatha

                                     11:30 Maranatha vs. Mpls. Southwest

                                     2:00 Mpls. Southwest vs. St. Paul Academy

                                     4:30 Prior Lake vs. St. Paul Academy

**The home team is listed first.