Hotstove 2010 On for Saturday!

Hotstove BallBlast 2010 will feature music, drawings, prizes and fun for supporters of PLABA hardball at the Vet in Prior Lake. The Blast has served for many years as the unofficial kickoff for the season for the MBA Class C PL Mudcats of the DRS League , 2009 MBA Class B Runner Up and ’09 RVL Champion PL Jays and MSMABA Over 35 PL Mariners.

Last years event was the largest in history in its 1st stint at the Basement Bar & Grill and this years event looks the top it. The Shaw Brothers Band reprises last years peformance by following the Hotstove with their mix of contemporary and classic rock which has been a hallmark from their roots in Scott County rock-n-roll history. A fabulous table of prizes awaits as well as drawings for cash and prizes regardless if participants can support in person including a hot-air balloon ride form Balloon Ascensions Unlimited . Tickets will be available from Mudcats, Jays and Mariners players with discount to $5 in advance or $7 the at the door the day of the show which includes a cup for the Blast and automatic entry in select prize drawings!