Kopetzki Calls It A Career

Longtime PL Mudcat pitcher, #55 Dave Kopetzki, has announced his retirement from the Prior Lake Mudcats. Kopetzki was known for his forkball and was a regular among innings pitched leaders in his 6 year career, all as a Mudcat.

“Kop” played football at Southwest State before joining the Mudcat rotation and was also used as a Right fielder, First baseman or pinch hitter at times to get his bat in the game. He was a member of the team since 1997.

Kopetzki advised PL Mudcats management and commented for the '04 'Cats, “…GOOD LUCK and I will come to check out a couple of games.” Daves parents and wife Danielle were great fans and supporters of Mudcat baseball and will be missed. Thanks Dave from the Mudcats and PLABA!