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MBA board meets; Townball season still on hold

Next Sunday was suppose to mark the opening of the 2020 Mudcats season in the DRS League. But as the state of Minnesota continues its “stay at home” order as a result of COVID-19 through the beginning of May, many things, including the highly anticipated townball season remain on hold.

The Minnesota Baseball Association (MBA) board of directors met on Saturday in a closed door virtual meeting to discuss their regular business, including the status of the 2020 baseball season.

“Currently amateur baseball in minnesota is closed. There will be no games played until further notice. We will not start our season until the Governor opens up baseball and gives us permission to start play.”

Statement from the MBA State Board

Undoubtedly, if an abbreviated season can be saved, there will be possible league rule modifications that could be put in place. The New Ulm and Springfield tournament committees, hosts of the 2020 MBA State Tournament have indicated that although there have been some challenges with their construction projects, they are on track and will be ready to host if there is a season.

The board stated that they’re optimistic that there will be baseball in 2020 and plan to pen a letter to Governor Tim Walz urging him to “open up” baseball as soon as it is practical.