PLABA 2017 Review and 2018 Elections 10/23. Field Day Closing 10/21.

The Prior Lake Amateur Baseball Association (PLABA) will be holding its 2017 Fall Elections on Monday, October 23 at 7:00 pm in the executive boardroom of Alert Distributing located at 16873 Fish Point Road Prior Lake. The PLABA presides over the operation of Veterans Field of Memorial Park coordinating field maintenance and improvements among user teams. Its 9 person Executive Board includes reps from member teams and At Large Representatives RSVP President Mark Schroeder at 612-220-6212 or VP Greg Faue at 612-369-1961 with agenda items and attendance. All are welcome & encouraged to attend to assist with planning for the 2018 season.

The Prior Lake Amateur Baseball Association (PLABA) will be tentatively hosting its 2017 Fall Field Closing at Veterans Field of Memorial Park on Saturday, October 21 from 9:30AM-Noon.

The PLABA presides over the operation of Veterans Field of Memorial Park coordinating field maintenance and improvements among user teams. All are welcome to attend and assist to help prepare the diamond for the 2018 season and can RSVP to obtain additional guidance by emailing info@ or contacting member team managements.



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