PLABA Elections Meeting

The Prior Lake Amateur Baseball Association will be holding a meeting on Monday, February 23rd at 7pm at Captain Jack's to discuss the process of elections for a new Board.  With PLABA trying to find ways to improve the product that we are providing, we want to restructure the board to get the best results for our program, and to best benefit our teams.

The goal of this meeting is to establish the responsibilities of the board, create the positions needed on the board, and establish the responsibilities of each board member too.  It would be ideal to get as much of this information collected before hand, and we would ask that you please email with your thoughts on the following four questions before hand:

1) What works now with PLABA, the Jays, and Mudcats?
2) What doesn't work?
3) What should the PLABA Board be responsible for, and what should each individual team be responsible for?
4) How many people should be on the Board, and what should their roles be?
Prior Lake Baseball is improving every day, and we need this restructuring to take place before we can fully maximize what we can do as an organization.  Please take a few minutes to answer these questions so Kyle can organize them ahead of time and use them to create a great discussion on the 23rd! 
Please remember that the purpose of this meeting is to begin the restructuring of the PLABA Board, and not to discuss specific matters for the upcoming season.  The sooner we finalize what we want to do with the Board, the quicker we can get to those other issues.