The Prior Lake Amatuer Baseball Association will be hosting Baseball Day 2007 at Veterans Field of Memorial Park on Saturday June 30. The action kicks off at Noon with Lakers Junior Legion (16 Year Olds) hosting Jordan followed by Prior Lake Legion Baseball vs Farmington at 2:00PM and concludes with the annual Prior Lake Jays vs. Prior Lake Mudcats at 5:00PM. The will be no admission for fans at early games (with players and fans welcome to stay for all games) with $1 admission for Jays vs. Mudcats. All paid admissions also receive coupons for PLABA prize drawings as well as vouchers to attend future Jays or Mudcats game at no charge. PLABA's full service concession will be open all day and feature specials in addition to the award winning standard menu. For additional information check 952-226-3800 Integra Prior Lake Hardball Hotline or the official website for PLABA and support your local hardballers!