Usbank baseball17

Spring On for Local Ballers. College Updates 2017. Links & More!

Below list of players with Prior Lake connections. Click on Name to link to their Spring team websites. News follows the listing.

Nick Hanson PL’16-MLB Draft Cincinnatti Reds 2016

Jonsey Buescher PL’13, PL Jays-Augsburg

Tommy Keating PL’15, PL Jays -Century College

Jason Peter-PL ’16, PL Jays-Southwest State

Austin Truso-PL ’14, PL Jays-NDSU

Lawson Zenner-PL ’16, PL Jays-Wayne State

Zac Repinski-PL ’14, PL Jays-Nebraska

Jimmy LarsonPL ’16, PL Jays-Kansas State

Tyler Edwards-PL ’14, PL Jays-East Carolina

Nick Vaage-PL ’14, PL Jays-Memphis

Isaac Saad-St Thomas Academy ’14, PL Mudcats-U Mary

Matt Nelson-Lakeville S, PL Jays ’16- UM Crookston

David Beer-PL ’14, Northwestern College

Ben Koopman-PL’16-Robert Morris Chicago

Brian Sanchez Fridley ’15, PL Jays ’16-Century College

Alex George-Bloomington Jefferson ’13, PL Jays ‘15

PL Lakers Baseball (2 links): SSC Schedule Link , Laker Baseball Homepage

PL Baseball News & Notes:

US Bank Stadium is currently configured to host baseball games from teams across the Upper Midwest, including many listed above with local contacts. Link to schedules. The University of Minnesota Gophers will host several early season games.

-UMD Bulldog Junior and PL Mudcat Kyle Schmidt will not be playing in college in the 2017 season focusing on school and potentially student teaching as he works towards his degree. Schmidt was a member of the Bulldogs the past 2 seasons.

-University of Memphis Freshman Nick Vaage got his 1st college action playing 1B with the Tigers & hitting a homerun vs Illinois State in the Tigers 5-4 victory.

Hardball Hotstove Blast 2017 will be hosted at The Pointe Grill and Bar Saturday April 8th from 5-8PM. More details to follow, tickets available from Jays, Mudcat, Pacers or Eagles players. Full details and info to post here soon as well on Facebook & Twitter accounts for PLABA and individual teams.

PL Jays Golf Open Invitational, the “Swarm Open”, will be at Creeks Bend Saturday May 6 Noon shotgun start. Details to post soon as well on Facebook & Twitter accounts for PLABA and individual teams. The Jays have discussed expanding the event to become a fundraiser also for the PL Mudcats. Longtime PL Jay Jim Schroeder will be taking the reigns as Golfmeister from Corey Goblirsch for 2017.

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