20200728 203854 dsc 3306 jays vs shakopee

Strong start with a flat finish; RVL playoffs start Sunday

A strong start in the first inning for the Jays was promising, but Shakopee’s offensive stride couldn’t be matched in the Jays 13-3 loss Tuesday night.

Austin Gordon got things started with a double in the first inning and was driven in by Mitchell Goodwin who also doubled. The Jays struck again in the second inning when Tommy Keating doubled to left-center and scored off of a sacrifice fly by Gordon.

Shakopee pulled away for good with six runs in the third inning.

Jake Larson who started for the Jays would wind up taking the loss. He went two and a third innings, allowing seven runs on three hits and striking out three.

Gordon led the Jays with two hits in three at-bats and one RBI.

The Jays wrap up their regular season with a non-league exhibition game against the St. Louis Park Pirates at The Vet in Prior Lake. The first pitch is slated for a special 7:00 pm start.

Playoffs for the Jays start Sunday. They likely will face Chanhassen or Victoria in the first game of playoffs at one of those sites. The winner moves to the winner’s bracket playing again on Tuesday, August 4. The loser heads to the loser’s bracket and continues to play on Wednesday, August 5.