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Townball is back this weekend in Prior Lake!

With the loosening of the Governor’s restrictions this past week and with the approval of the Minnesota Baseball Association and the City of Prior Lake, townball is set to be back in action this coming weekend.

DRS, RVL, and Section officials, along with team representatives, met this week to finalize updated regular season and playoff schedules, trying to squeeze every bit of baseball possible into this shortened summer season.

The Mudcats will kick off their season in DRS action starting with the Union Hill Bulldogs on Sunday, June 28, a 6:00 pm Gametime slated at picturesque Union Hill Ballpark.

The Jays get their abbreviated season started this Sunday at home with an exhibition non-league tilt against the Beavers from Highland Park. The action gets underway at 6:00 pm at Veterans Field in Prior Lake.

Both the Jays and Mudcats currently have around ten games scheduled for this summer. Keep an eye here where we’ll give you the latest on any schedule changes.