-The Prior Lake Jays and Prior Lake Mudcats will be having pre season player meetings Saturday March 2nd at PL VFW 6208 at 3PM. Returning players that cannot attend should contact their team management immediately to obtain fundraiser tickets. New players compliant with MBA residency rules before 3/15/13 interested in playing MBA Townball can email info@ for more information on the upcoming 2013 Season.
-The PL Mudcats, PL Jays and over 35 PL Mariners will be hosting Hardball Hotstove Beer Blast 2013 at The Pointe Bar & Grill on Highway 13 South in Prior Lake on Saturday April 20 from 5-8PM. $10 Ticket cost includes prize drawings that do not require attendance including a hot-air balloon ride from Balloon Ascensions Unlimited as well admission to the Shaw Brothers Band to follow the Blast. Tickets should be available from players or at the door.
-The Prior Lake Jays will be hosting their Annual Jays Golf Open Saturday May 18, 2013 at Creeks Bend Golf Course between Prior lake and New Prague on highway 13 South with a Noon start. The cost is $80 per golfer and include prize drawings, hole contests and post golf social hour and awards ceremony. Interested supporters can contact Corey Goblirsch at 612-616-0605 or cgoblirsch@gmail.com.
The MBA Class B Prior Lake Jays have available dates for games. Teams interested may email info@ to inquire or call Tex Chapman at 952-447-5677.
For additional information on 2013 amateur baseball seasons, inquires welcome at the Integra PL Hardball Hotline 952-226-3800 or priorlakebaseball.com
Continue to check back often as the 2013 season gets underway….