Veterans Field Open for 2011! Hardball Updates…

-The Prior Lake Lakers open the Vet for 2011 hardball with a dramatic 4-3 win in the bottom of the 7th on 4/13 to tally their first win of 2011 in the new South Suburban Conference under new skipper Ryan Schwertman. Follow the Lakers this Spring at the Star Tribune MN High School Baseball Hub.

-PLABA’s Jays, Mudcats & Mariners are hosting the 2011 Hardball Hotstove Beer Blast at the Basement Bar and Grill on Saturday 4/16 from 5-8PM Music, Drawings, Giveaways and FUN! 952-226-3800 Integra PL Hardball Hotline. Ticket $5 donation in advance, $7 at the door available NOW from Jays, Mudcats and Mariner players. Band to follow the blast…

-The PL Jays & Mudcats both open the 2011 season on Sunday May 1. The Class C Mudcats of the Dakota Rice Scott League kick of ’11 travelling to Veseli for 2:00PM DRS actions with the Warriors. The MBA Class B Prior Lake Jays will be opening 2011 at “The Vet” in Prior Lake hosting Belle Plaine in River Valley League action also starting at 2:00PM. Final schedules should be posting shortly and once again season passes for BOTH the Jays & ‘Cats will be $15 for the season AND include a complimentary concession item per month!

-“BUFF” NIGHT to be hosted at Veterans Field. Prior Lake Lakers vs. Burnsville Blaze 6:40 pm Pregame Ceremony 7:00 pm First Pitch. Join us in honoring Darwin “Buff” Busselman, Prior Lake Lakers Head Baseball Coach from 1969-2010. There will be special events: Pre-Game Ceremony, Prizes, Trivia, Fantastic Food Vendors. Due to the large projected crowd, we are asking fans to arrive early. (Laker Baseball Alumni please arrive at 6:00 pm if possible). Additional parking will be located at WestWood Elementary. NOTE: DO NOT on the grass areas near the ballpark. POST GAME RECEPTION: VFW Post 6208 on Main Street in Prior Lake **Rain Make-Up Date: If poor weather should cause a postponement the make-up date will be on Wed, May 18th at 7:00 pm vs. Lakeville North. The PL Hardball HOTLINE 952-226-3800 will have the latest….

PLABA Season Kickoff Meeting Saturday April 16 3:00PM at The Basement Bar & Grill. Executive Board of PLABA to meet to review pending agenda items for kickoff to 2011 season. All are welcome. Contact President Mark Schroeder 612-220-6812 for further information.

NEXT UPDATES: previews for 2011 Townball Seasons, Changes in Class B Sections/playoff formats, Local College player links, Vet improvements for 2011 and MORE!