
2018 PL Hardball Invitational Golf Tourney Set for Creeksbend May 19.

Champions Hanson, Rooney, Keating and Loehr blistered the field in the 2017 tournament and welcome challenge to defend in 2018!

The 2018 Prior Lake Hardball Invitational Tournament date is set for Saturday May 19, 2018 at Creeksbend Golf Club on Highway 13 South North of New Prague. Proceeds from the Tournament, in its 8th year, support PL Jays, Mudcats and Bald Eagles baseball. In 2017 19 teams battled with Jays Alumni Tim Hanson, Chris Rooney and Kirk Loehr teamed with 2018 PLABA President Mike Keating to prevail in a decisive victory adding their names to the prestigious tournament trophy crafted by Al Hoppe of Hoppe Bats International. The trophy adds names of Champions dating back to its 1st year in 2011. The Tournament was brought back from the early years of the Jays & Mudcats following extended hiatus to help kick off the Summer season and help support team operations.

The scramble format matches teams of 4 with an $80 per player fee covering: 18 Holes with Cart, on course tap station & post golf keg-awards ceremony, hole games, drawings and skins with each participant provided VetPASS’18 (Valid for all Jays & Mudcats regular season home game admission). Players of all calibers welcomed and encouraged to register via email or contact with questions 2018 Golfmeisters Tex Chapman 651-231-8721 or Fud Faue 612-369-1961.

The 2017 tourney featured a fantastic prize bounty for participants in games including long drive, closest to pin and longest putt including rounds at area courses, gift certificates for local restaurants and more. Please contact Golfmeisters Chapman or Faue to engage supporters of PL Summer baseball if your business would like to make a donation! A copy of the 2018 Flyer is available for download below.

2017 Tournament Link (Click Here)

2018PLJGolfFlyerRev2 (Click link to download)

Tournament Hall Of Champions (Click link to View Previous Winners)