The Hoppe Bats traveling trophy designed by Al Hoppe is awarded to the winning team from the Prior Lake Hardball Golf Invitational. Names of the winning team members are enshrined on plaques displayed on the sides of the trophy
Following some internal discussion and some minor changes in format, the Prior Lake Hardball Invitational* Golf Tournament is on as scheduled for Saturday May 16 Noon shotgun start scramble (11AM Registration opens) with amended format and changes/details as follow:
NOTE: We are requesting Team Captains assist registration when possible and each Team will be issued their Tournament vouchers to Team Captains.
-COST: $80.00 Check (PLJays) or Cash preferred.
-INCLUDES:18 holes & Cart PLUS 2 choice of drink tickets (Water/SoftDrink, Beer) *Creeksbend App available for additional food or drink no-contact purchases (Clubhouse Closed), and Hole games. ALSO INCLUDED: Discount Voucher for future 18 holes at Creeksbend , Hole games and random drawings from the fabulous prize table!
-CARTS: Creeksbend has expanded available carts (80) which should allow solo riders at passengers discretion. Players should report to team Captains any golfers that can pair up for pre Tournament golf cart assignments.
-POST GOLF: The traditional Post Golf Awards is suspended for Spring 2020. Online live scoring allows Champions and placements. Hole prize/drawing awards will be either picked up following event or US Mailed to winners. will have a recap of the Tournament as well Team Facebook & Twitter Accounts. Golf and drawing prizes include a complimentary round courtesy of Creeksbend for the 2020 Champions.
Proceeds Support: PL Jays, Mudcats, Bald Eagles and Mariners baseball as well Veterans Field Operations/PLABA.