
2020 seasons on hold; links and Information for Prior Lake Baseball

The 2020 impact of COVID-19 first affected local alumni in college and professional ranks. During a week which typically has PLABA and PL Lakers preparing for the season, we have seen the historic shadow cast on operations and preparations for the 2020 baseball season in Prior Lake. Read below and follow LINKS in articles for additional information.

PL LAKERS: Amid the COVID-19 battle, following spring collegiate season outright cancellation, the MSHSL put the brakes on 2020 spring season/preparation on March 25. The MSHSL will be following guidance from state leadership regarding potential resumption of in-person classes schools and activities. Like many teams, the ISD719 Lakers were preparing to commence baseball tryouts when the season was put on hold and remote learning was implemented. The Lakers were originally scheduled to open the 2020 season versus Shakopee on Monday April 6. Monday May 4 has been declared the goal to start practices should conditions merit as this historic world event evolves. Section playoffs were originally slated to begin Monday May 25. It is currently unclear how the new timeline could impact the regular season and section playoff schedules. PLABA will post the latest as known and please check the Lakers baseball page or MSHSL for the latest information on the Spring 2020 high school season.

LINK: MARCH 25 MSHSL Communication

CITY OF PRIOR LAKE: Stakeholders were sent a communication Thursday March 26 from City of PL Recreation Manager Angie Barstad reflecting the closure of City facilities. “…including fields, are closed until May 1. The Parks maintenance staff will start working at these facilities on May 4, as long as the governor doesn’t extend this time frame” The end of Winter had not yet allowed for preparations (by City, PLABA and PLAY) to commence to open parks when COVID-19 impacted Spring seasons.

PLABA: March 2020 preseason preparation meeting was postponed pending knowing when Veterans Field of Memorial Park will be used/ 2020 Season starting. The Nuvera PL Hardball Hotline 952-226-3800 is back up and running and will be updated with the latest known information as well as PLABA Twitter

2020 HARDBALL HOTSTOVE BLAST: The annual pre-season summer season kickoff for Saturday 4/18 has been POSTPONED and TBA on rescheduled date. Tickets (available from Mudcats, Jays, Mariners, Bald Eagles players) WILL BE HONORED at reschedule date. CHECK BACK FOR THE LATEST!

2020 Hardball Invitational Golf Tournament: Saturday May 16, 2020 Noon shotgun start at Creeksbend Golf Club. It’s on until it is off. $100 per golfer with proceeds benefiting operations of the Jays, Mudcats, Bald Eagles and Mariners baseball teams. Please check back for the latest status as the date/event approach and get your team ready!

PL LakerLegion Senior and Jr American Legion Baseball: Program Coordinator/Coach Smith and Coach Padilla as well Coaches Sickmann and Houston had originally slated tryouts for May 3 but have postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. They will announcing a new tryout date following MN Legion Baseball’s board meeting in mid-April and a decision is made regarding the MSHSL high school baseball season. Senior LakerLegion is a Gopher Classic site host as well hosting Day 1 of the State Senior American Legion Baseball Tournament in 2020. Updates should be posted on their seasons at their PLABA webpage and social media as the situation evolves.

Jays & Mudcats Townteam Baseball: The presiding organization over “townball”, MBA, will be having its monthly meeting April 18, previously requested no games be played until May 1 and will be following government guidance to clarify when games may be played. The Jays are currently scheduled to open at Jordan May 17 while the Mudcats were to host Veseli Sunday April 26 and are currently scheduled to travel to Union Hill Sunday May 3 in DRS League action.

Mariners/Bald Eagles: The Mariners and Bald Eagles will be in a holding pattern on season planning like other organizations. The latest on PL Over 35 and Over 50 baseball will be posted at when there is clarity on the summer season.

P.L.A.Y./Youth League: PLAY was preparing for it’s traveling team tryouts when shutdowns precluded preparation for their seasons. Check their website for the latest on the 2020 season.

Best from PLABA to our players, families, friends & fans in rising to the historic challenge facing the community, state and planet. We look forward to getting back on the field and hope to see you there!